The App allows Euroclear Sweden Issuers access to an up to date view of their shareholder base. Detailed data is presented in tables and animated graphs to give a quick and accurate view of both the current and historical information.
The tablet optimized App contains the following features:
- Dashboard, receive a quick overview of the shareholder base of your Company
- Shareholder spread, receive a detailed view of the spread within your Company (with selectable periods)
- Concentration, gives a detailed votes/capital view of the largest holders of your Company (with selectable
- Largest holders, gives a detailed report of the 25 largest shareholders of your Company (with selectable
- Categories, displays ratio of Swedish/Foreign capital/votes and ratio of Swedish owners entities/natural
- By country, displays a breakdown of the foreign capital/votes of your Company (with selectable periods)
- Team Contact information and in-app helptexts
Contact [email protected] if you have questions or feedback.